Times have changed, but it is exciting too!!!! Here is our new AV command center, being run by two of our high school students, Emily and Grant and Geoff Smith our building manager. We are live streaming the Mass. We are doing all we can to bring the Mass to EVERYONE, especially those who cannot come into our physical building. But we need more help!!!! We are looking for young people Grade 9 and up to help in this all important ministry. If interested, contact Linda Shufelt at [email protected]. WE WILL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TRAINING!!!
Answer the Call, find your Ministry!
As members of the Body of Christ, we are called at Baptism to serve others. Here at the Church of St. Peter there are many ways to serve that fit all needs, any schedule! Please browse below and fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page or contact the Rectory office at 584-2375.
As members of the Body of Christ, we are called at Baptism to serve others. Here at the Church of St. Peter there are many ways to serve that fit all needs, any schedule! Please browse below and fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page or contact the Rectory office at 584-2375.
Communion Ministers to the Homebound Needed
“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Acts: 2: 42
This description of the early Christian community beautifully captures how the earliest followers of Jesus tried to live their faith after his resurrection. The pandemic has unfortunately prevented many members of our Saint Peter's parish community from participating in our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. While many watch mass on line, they cannot receive the Bread of Life. The Second Vatican Council document, Lumen Gentium, proclaims the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian life."
We want to reach out to those who cannot celebrate with the community at our Sunday liturgy and would like to receive Holy Communion in their homes. To do that, we need help. If you are currently a Eucharistic minister or a parishioner who would like to engage in this ministry, we will provide training to help you safely and respectfully bring communion to our homebound parishioners. As you prayerfully consider this call to ministry, please evaluate whether you are healthy enough and feel comfortable with bringing the Eucharist to parishioners' homes.
If you are interested in being a Eucharistic minister to the homebound, or have any questions, please feel free to call Deacon Ed at the parish office 518-584-2375 or email him at [email protected] .
“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Acts: 2: 42
This description of the early Christian community beautifully captures how the earliest followers of Jesus tried to live their faith after his resurrection. The pandemic has unfortunately prevented many members of our Saint Peter's parish community from participating in our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. While many watch mass on line, they cannot receive the Bread of Life. The Second Vatican Council document, Lumen Gentium, proclaims the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian life."
We want to reach out to those who cannot celebrate with the community at our Sunday liturgy and would like to receive Holy Communion in their homes. To do that, we need help. If you are currently a Eucharistic minister or a parishioner who would like to engage in this ministry, we will provide training to help you safely and respectfully bring communion to our homebound parishioners. As you prayerfully consider this call to ministry, please evaluate whether you are healthy enough and feel comfortable with bringing the Eucharist to parishioners' homes.
If you are interested in being a Eucharistic minister to the homebound, or have any questions, please feel free to call Deacon Ed at the parish office 518-584-2375 or email him at [email protected] .
Bereavement Ministry
This ministry provides support in the name of St. Peter's to the family of
the deceased parishioner. Committee members visit the wake, attend the funeral
mass, including acting as Eucharistic Ministers and/or Lectors when necessary,
serving as greeters at the mass, and sending a note of sympathy to the
Being part of this ministry is extremely rewarding. It gives the volunteers
graces from three areas: corporate works of mercy - bury the dead, spiritual
works of mercy - comfort the sorrowful, and beatitudes - comfort the
Prayer Line
The purpose of this ministry is to ask God's help for those who have
expressed prayer concerns and needs. There is always a need for more pray-ers.
More volunteers are also needed to initiate calls on the "phone lines", and a
back-up person to maintain the database and compile a monthly update as needed
would be appreciated.
No special training is required. All that is needed is a strong faith in God
and the power of prayer. Pray in whatever manner you are comfortable with. You
need only to set aside a few minutes daily for these concerns. E-mail or
telephone is necessary to pass along information.
Some benefits of this ministry include a closer relationship to God, an
awareness that you have helped others, and a feeling of solidarity knowing that
you are part of a group with a single purpose.
Third Age Committee (An Outreach Group for the Homebound)
The Third Age Committee members provide outreach contact to homebound
parishioners through sending holiday cards and delivering Easter plants. A
program to bring Eucharist to the homebound after weekend liturgies is in the
The committee meets every few months. No training is necessary to be a part
of this group, only a desire to visit with the homebound. Members bringing
Eucharist to parishioners will be asked to do so weekly,
Reaching out to the homebound and bringing them Eucharist brings the members
closer to Christ.
Christian Service Committee
Christian Service provides various material things to the area's needy. These
items include school supplies, and the Giving Tree at
To be associated with this ministry, you need to be willing to work at the
appropriate times, as well as to be willing to contact people in the area as to
these needs.
St. Clements coordinates bringing the Eucharist to the
hospital and nursing homes each day. If interested in volunteering for this
ministry, she can be contacted at 584-6122 X13.
Participating in this ministry brings spiritual benefits, as well as much
appreciation from the needy.
Mass Coordinator
There is a mass coordinator for each mass. The coordinator is responsible
for seeing that everything is readied for that mass. This includes making sure
there is a proper number of Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters and Ushers
in attendance, and if not, finding people to fill the spots. The church itself
has to have the sound system and house lights on, candle lit, communion and wine
prepared, as well as the Tabernacle accessible. The mass coordinator needs to
arrive 30 minutes before mass. Some masses have multiple coordinators sharing
the responsibilities.
There would be assistance by a seasoned coordinator to get you started. In
addition, there is a good instruction sheet currently available. A knowledge of
workings of a mass is helpful.
Those already in this ministry have found both spiritual and social benefits.
There is a sense of serving the extended Christian family. Being coordinator
requires socializing and becoming familiar with parishioners in active
Altar Server
The ministry of altar server is primarily a way to get the youngest members
of our parish involved in the liturgical life of our community, and to allow
them to experience what it means to sacrificially offer oneself as a gift.
However, the ministry is also open to adults. The only requirement is that an
altar server has to have made his or her first communion.
The ministry itself involves assisting the priest during the celebration of
mass. (There are, however, other non-eucharistic liturgies where servers could
be asked to assist the presiding minister.) Altar servers are scheduled to
serve at least one or two masses per month.
Altar servers lead to the procession of ministers to the sanctuary at the
beginning of mass, and out of the sanctuary at the end of mass. They may or may
not be carrying the cross and candles. They hold the sacramentary for the
priest during the presidential prayers and blessings. They help set the altar,
receive the gifts from the community, and clear the altar. They assist the
prient with water and hand washing during the preparation of the gifts.
By their reverent and enthusiastic service and participation during mass,
they are positive examples for their peers and for the entire
Eucharistic Minister
A Eucharistic Minister assists with the distribution of the Eucharist to the
community at Liturgy. A subgroup serves the homebound and those in nursing
homes. It is important to be on time at specific liturgies as scheduled.
A training session is conducted at intervals and/or by appointment, usually after
mass or between masses. You may choose how and at which Mass you wish to serve.
Members of this ministry have found the sharing of the Body of Christ with
the Body of Christ as a profoundly moving experience. To proclaim, "The Body of
Christ" is a statement of faith and witness.
Lectors are responsible for preparing ahead of time for their reading,
arriving for mass approximately 10 to 15 minutes early, and participating in
those parts of the mass pertaining to the readings, processing the Gospel,
announcements and the Prayer of the Faithful.
Lector books are supplied by the church. The commitment is one of time, to
be at the masses as scheduled. Training is provided, consisting of the
procedures and new liturgical requirements. Additional lectors are needed for
all masses.
This ministry is humbling in that it allows the lector to speak to the
congregation the words of Christ as the Apostles did. It has many spiritual
Environment Decorating
This ministry involves the decorating of the church and outside environment
as necessary during the year, especially at Christmas and Easter.
Volunteers are needed to help with the
physical setup of flowers and decorations. There is always a need for strong parishioners to help with
heavy lifting. Youing people are always welcome. Easter decorating takes place
the day of the Easter Vigil and takes about 2 to 3 hours. Christmas decorating
takes about 3 to 4 hours.
This ministry is beneficial both spiritually and socially. It provides a
feeling of community, and a feeling of privilege in the decorating of God's
Greeters are to welcome in a friendly manner, those attending weekend
liturgy. They dispense song sheets, bulletins, and any handouts (before and
after mass). Ushers assist with seating, special needs, be available for any
emergencies, and make sure church pews are ready and clean for the next liturgy.
The commitment includes arriving at least 15 to 20 minutes prior to mass.
The purpose is to arrive prepared to serve. There is no formal training but new
ushers or greeters will be assisted as to what to do by seasoned ministers.
The personal profits from participating in this ministry are unique to the
individual and encompass a combination of spiritual and social
Liturgy of the Word for Children
At the 9:00 AM liturgy on Sundays, a catechist breaks open the Word with
children ages 4 through 7, using a Lectionary for Children. The catechist is
expected to prepare, prior to Sunday, by reading the readings prayerfully and by
using available resources to prepare and lead the session. There is also a need
of aides to help in the Day Chapel during mass.
Please note that the Diocese of Albany requires that anyone who works with
children completes the following: a volunteer application including the names of
two references, permission to undergo a background check, two hour Virtus child
abuse training, and a code of conduct form. This would be expected of both
catechists and the aides who help out during the liturgy.
There are occasional gatherings in which catechists share their experiences
and preparation process. Each Fall there is an in-service invitation to meet
with other Religious Ed catechists. The coordinator for this ministry is Rita
Usher. She may be reached at 587-4487 or at [email protected].
The preparation of readings prior to Sunday liturgy is very enriching
spiritually. The catechists also are enriched as they share their faith with
the children.
This ministry provides support in the name of St. Peter's to the family of
the deceased parishioner. Committee members visit the wake, attend the funeral
mass, including acting as Eucharistic Ministers and/or Lectors when necessary,
serving as greeters at the mass, and sending a note of sympathy to the
Being part of this ministry is extremely rewarding. It gives the volunteers
graces from three areas: corporate works of mercy - bury the dead, spiritual
works of mercy - comfort the sorrowful, and beatitudes - comfort the
Prayer Line
The purpose of this ministry is to ask God's help for those who have
expressed prayer concerns and needs. There is always a need for more pray-ers.
More volunteers are also needed to initiate calls on the "phone lines", and a
back-up person to maintain the database and compile a monthly update as needed
would be appreciated.
No special training is required. All that is needed is a strong faith in God
and the power of prayer. Pray in whatever manner you are comfortable with. You
need only to set aside a few minutes daily for these concerns. E-mail or
telephone is necessary to pass along information.
Some benefits of this ministry include a closer relationship to God, an
awareness that you have helped others, and a feeling of solidarity knowing that
you are part of a group with a single purpose.
Third Age Committee (An Outreach Group for the Homebound)
The Third Age Committee members provide outreach contact to homebound
parishioners through sending holiday cards and delivering Easter plants. A
program to bring Eucharist to the homebound after weekend liturgies is in the
The committee meets every few months. No training is necessary to be a part
of this group, only a desire to visit with the homebound. Members bringing
Eucharist to parishioners will be asked to do so weekly,
Reaching out to the homebound and bringing them Eucharist brings the members
closer to Christ.
Christian Service Committee
Christian Service provides various material things to the area's needy. These
items include school supplies, and the Giving Tree at
To be associated with this ministry, you need to be willing to work at the
appropriate times, as well as to be willing to contact people in the area as to
these needs.
St. Clements coordinates bringing the Eucharist to the
hospital and nursing homes each day. If interested in volunteering for this
ministry, she can be contacted at 584-6122 X13.
Participating in this ministry brings spiritual benefits, as well as much
appreciation from the needy.
Mass Coordinator
There is a mass coordinator for each mass. The coordinator is responsible
for seeing that everything is readied for that mass. This includes making sure
there is a proper number of Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters and Ushers
in attendance, and if not, finding people to fill the spots. The church itself
has to have the sound system and house lights on, candle lit, communion and wine
prepared, as well as the Tabernacle accessible. The mass coordinator needs to
arrive 30 minutes before mass. Some masses have multiple coordinators sharing
the responsibilities.
There would be assistance by a seasoned coordinator to get you started. In
addition, there is a good instruction sheet currently available. A knowledge of
workings of a mass is helpful.
Those already in this ministry have found both spiritual and social benefits.
There is a sense of serving the extended Christian family. Being coordinator
requires socializing and becoming familiar with parishioners in active
Altar Server
The ministry of altar server is primarily a way to get the youngest members
of our parish involved in the liturgical life of our community, and to allow
them to experience what it means to sacrificially offer oneself as a gift.
However, the ministry is also open to adults. The only requirement is that an
altar server has to have made his or her first communion.
The ministry itself involves assisting the priest during the celebration of
mass. (There are, however, other non-eucharistic liturgies where servers could
be asked to assist the presiding minister.) Altar servers are scheduled to
serve at least one or two masses per month.
Altar servers lead to the procession of ministers to the sanctuary at the
beginning of mass, and out of the sanctuary at the end of mass. They may or may
not be carrying the cross and candles. They hold the sacramentary for the
priest during the presidential prayers and blessings. They help set the altar,
receive the gifts from the community, and clear the altar. They assist the
prient with water and hand washing during the preparation of the gifts.
By their reverent and enthusiastic service and participation during mass,
they are positive examples for their peers and for the entire
Eucharistic Minister
A Eucharistic Minister assists with the distribution of the Eucharist to the
community at Liturgy. A subgroup serves the homebound and those in nursing
homes. It is important to be on time at specific liturgies as scheduled.
A training session is conducted at intervals and/or by appointment, usually after
mass or between masses. You may choose how and at which Mass you wish to serve.
Members of this ministry have found the sharing of the Body of Christ with
the Body of Christ as a profoundly moving experience. To proclaim, "The Body of
Christ" is a statement of faith and witness.
Lectors are responsible for preparing ahead of time for their reading,
arriving for mass approximately 10 to 15 minutes early, and participating in
those parts of the mass pertaining to the readings, processing the Gospel,
announcements and the Prayer of the Faithful.
Lector books are supplied by the church. The commitment is one of time, to
be at the masses as scheduled. Training is provided, consisting of the
procedures and new liturgical requirements. Additional lectors are needed for
all masses.
This ministry is humbling in that it allows the lector to speak to the
congregation the words of Christ as the Apostles did. It has many spiritual
Environment Decorating
This ministry involves the decorating of the church and outside environment
as necessary during the year, especially at Christmas and Easter.
Volunteers are needed to help with the
physical setup of flowers and decorations. There is always a need for strong parishioners to help with
heavy lifting. Youing people are always welcome. Easter decorating takes place
the day of the Easter Vigil and takes about 2 to 3 hours. Christmas decorating
takes about 3 to 4 hours.
This ministry is beneficial both spiritually and socially. It provides a
feeling of community, and a feeling of privilege in the decorating of God's
Greeters are to welcome in a friendly manner, those attending weekend
liturgy. They dispense song sheets, bulletins, and any handouts (before and
after mass). Ushers assist with seating, special needs, be available for any
emergencies, and make sure church pews are ready and clean for the next liturgy.
The commitment includes arriving at least 15 to 20 minutes prior to mass.
The purpose is to arrive prepared to serve. There is no formal training but new
ushers or greeters will be assisted as to what to do by seasoned ministers.
The personal profits from participating in this ministry are unique to the
individual and encompass a combination of spiritual and social
Liturgy of the Word for Children
At the 9:00 AM liturgy on Sundays, a catechist breaks open the Word with
children ages 4 through 7, using a Lectionary for Children. The catechist is
expected to prepare, prior to Sunday, by reading the readings prayerfully and by
using available resources to prepare and lead the session. There is also a need
of aides to help in the Day Chapel during mass.
Please note that the Diocese of Albany requires that anyone who works with
children completes the following: a volunteer application including the names of
two references, permission to undergo a background check, two hour Virtus child
abuse training, and a code of conduct form. This would be expected of both
catechists and the aides who help out during the liturgy.
There are occasional gatherings in which catechists share their experiences
and preparation process. Each Fall there is an in-service invitation to meet
with other Religious Ed catechists. The coordinator for this ministry is Rita
Usher. She may be reached at 587-4487 or at [email protected].
The preparation of readings prior to Sunday liturgy is very enriching
spiritually. The catechists also are enriched as they share their faith with
the children.
Please prayerfully consider giving of your time, talents and treasures to the Church of St. Peter. Fill out the form below and we will contact you....thank you!